The business of James MacNaughton was founded in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1864 after MacNaughton had served an apprenticeship with John Dickson. The MacNaughton's established themselves as builders of fine guns and would go on to patent the "Edinburgh" gun in 1879 - a triggerplate action gun in the similar guise as the Dickson Round-Action. However, MacNaughton would introduce a variant, the bar-in-wood or "Skeleton" action. A reduction in the metal surface of the action instead of being covered with extending the stock over the action, showcases the beautiful wood, making for a very graceful and sleek looking action for which the gun has now become very sought after by enthusiasts and collectors. In 1947, the company was acquired by John Dickson and Son, who are the only manufacturers in the world with this action making it a truly unique Scottish, handmade side-by-side gun. The company also continues to provide a full repair, restoration, and record enquiry service for the vintage MacNaughton guns.
Current trademark owned and manufactured by John Dickson & Son located in Edinburgh, Scotland.

JAMES MacNAUGHTON & SONS Firearms Models