Karl Prommersberger manufactures a line of sport target pistols under the trade name STP. Current model series include: Black Major, Dag (new 2019), Duty, Igel, Lodur (new 2019), Loki, Max Open, Monocomp, Perfect Classic, RM Series, Sentry, Sentry 6.0 Limited (new 2022), Sparta, Swat, TM Bomar, Elsa (new 2022), Lisa (new 2022), Rosa (new 2022). They also manufacture a line of custom made pistols built to customer specification. Previous models include: P 19 Stiker Fire (mfg. 2019-2021), Speed (disc. 2021), Thor Fieldshooting (disc 2021), Walhall Polygon (disc.2021), and Wotan (disc. 2021). Please contact the company directly for more information, including U.S. availability and pricing.
Current trade name manufactured by Karl Prommersberger established in 2006, located in Kühbach, Germany. No current U.S. importation.
STP logo

STP Firearms Models