9mm Para. cal., compact, DA/SA, see-through grips with cut-away mag. making cartridges visible, Teflon coated, re-contoured lightened slide, combat trigger guard, spurless hammer, partially painted Guttersnipe rear sight, 3 mags. included,...
9mm Para. cal., compact, DA/SA, see-through grips with cut-away mag. making cartridges visible, Teflon coated, re-contoured lightened slide, combat trigger guard, spurless hammer, partially painted Guttersnipe rear sight, 3 mags. included,...
.44 Spl. cal., conversion of a Ruger Speed or Security Six, 5 shot. Less than 100 mfg., unmarked.
special edition, marked "Quest for Excellence". Included buffalo horn grips, presentation book case and letter opener. Approx. 100 mfg.