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Please refer to the Weatherby section for more information for previous O/U Fausti importation.
12,16, 20, 28 ga., or .410 bore with 2 3/4 or 3 in. chambers, boxlock action, 26, 28, or 30 in. VR barrels with choke tubes (except .410 bore), automatic ejectors, SST, AA checkered round pistol grip walnut stock and forearm, coin finish receiver with floral engraving, includes gun case, 5.9-7.4 lbs.
Add $630 for 16, 28 ga., or .410 bore.
12, 16, 20, 28 ga., or .410 bore, 2 3/4 or 3 in. chambers, boxlock, 26, 28, or 30 in. VR barrels, auto ejectors, SST, metallic bead sights, round pistol grip A+ oil finished walnut stock and forearm, coin finished deep laser engraved receiver with gold inlays, 5.8-7.25 lbs.
Add $630 for 16, 28 ga., or .410 bore.
12, 20, 28 ga., or .410 bore, 28, 30, or 32 in. VR barrels, fixed chokes, auto ejectors, SST, competition sights, Grade A+ adj. walnut stock with oil finish, deeply engraved coin finished frame, 5.9 (previous wt.) 6.6-7.4 lbs. New 2016.
Add $630 for 28 ga. or .410 bore.
20 ga., 3 in. chambers, 28 in. barrels, ejectors, SST, A+ pistol grip walnut stock and forearm, 12 1/2 in. LOP, coin finished deep laser engraved receiver with gold inlays. Importation disc. 2014.
Last MSR was $1,999.
12, 20, 28 ga., or .410 bore, 2 3/4 or 3 in. chambers, boxlock, scaled frame, 26, 28, or 30 in. barrels, ejectors, SST, Grade A+ round pistol grip walnut stock and forearm, sideplates, coin finished deep laser engraved receiver with gold inlays. Importation disc. 2014.
Add $581 for 16, 28 ga., or .410 bore.
Last MSR was $2,749.
12, 16, 20, 28 ga., or .410 bore, 2 3/4 or 3 in. chambers, boxlock, scaled frame, 26, 28, or 30 in. barrels, auto ejectors, SST, metallic bead sights, Grade AA round pistol grip walnut stock and forearm w/oil finish, also available as 20/28 ga. combo w/28 in. barrels (new 2014), deep laser engraving on receiver with gold inlays, coin or case color (new 2021) finish, 5.8-7.3 lbs.
Add $630 for 16, 28 ga., or .410 bore.
Add $1,441 for 20/28 ga. combo with 28 in. barrels (imported 2014-2020).
12, 16, 20, 28 ga., or .410 bore, 2 3/4 or 3 in. chambers, boxlock, scaled frame, 26, 28, or 30 in. barrels, automatic ejectors, SST, metallic bead sights, Grade AA+ round pistol grip walnut stock and forearm, rubber recoil pad, case colored laser engraved receiver with gold inlays, 5.8-7.3 lbs. Imported 2014-2020.
Add $550 for 16, 28 ga., or .410 bore.
Last MSR was $3,290.
20 or 28 ga., 2 3/4 or 3 in., 28 or 30 in. VR barrels, multi chokes, auto ejectors, single-selective trigger, metallic bead sight, walnut round pistol grip stock, coin or case color finish w/gold inlay, 6.4 lbs. Importation began 2021.
12, 16, 20, 28 ga., or .410 bore, 2 3/4 or 3 in. chambers, O/U shotgun, scaled frame, 26, 28, or 30 in. barrels, automatic ejectors, SST, metallic bead sights, Grade AA round pistol grip walnut stock and forearm with oil finish, sideplates, coin finished deep laser engraved receiver with gold inlays, also available as 20/28 ga. combo with 28 in. barrels (new 2014), 5.8-7.3 lbs. Importation disc. 2021.
Add $550 for 16, 28 ga., or .410 bore.
Add $1,541 for 20/28 ga. combo with 28 in. barrels (new 2014).
Last MSR was $3,249.
12, 16, 20, 28 ga., or .410 bore, 2 3/4 or 3 in. chambers, boxlock, scaled frame, 26, 28, or 30 in. VR barrels, automatic ejectors, SST, metallic bead sights, Grade AA+ round pistol grip walnut stock and forearm with oil finish, rubber recoil pad, sideplates, coin or case colored laser engraved receiver with gold inlays, 5.8-7.3 lbs. New 2014.
Add $630 for 16, 28 ga., or .410 bore.
12, 16, 20, 28 ga., or .410 bore, 2 3/4 or 3 in. chambers, boxlock, scaled frame, 26, 28, or 30 in. barrels with chokes, ejectors, SST, metallic bead sights, Grade AAA (disc.) or Grade AA+ oil finished round pistol grip walnut stock and forearm, hand engraved case colored or coin finished receiver with gold inlays, 5.8-7.2 lbs. Importation disc. 2020.
Add $590 for 16, 28 ga., or .410 bore.
Last MSR was $4,199.
12, 16, 20, 28 ga., or .410 bore, 2 3/4 or 3 in. chambers, boxlock, scaled frame, 26, 28, or 30 in. barrels with chokes, ejectors, SST, metallic bead sights, Grade AAA oil finished round pistol grip walnut stock and forearm, hand engraved case colored or coin finished receiver with gold inlays, 5.8-7.2 lbs.
Add $621 for 16, 28 ga., or .410 bore.
12, 20, 16, 28 ga., or .410 bore, 2 3/4 or 3 in. chamber, scaled frame, 28-32 in. VR barrels, Faust X-PRO chokes, auto ejector, single-selective trigger, white competition bead sight, Grade AAA+ walnut adj. pistol grip stock w/oil finish, engraved receiver, 6.6-8.2 lbs. Importation began 2021.
Add $591 for 16 ga, 28 ga., or .410 bore.
12, 16, 20, 28 ga., or .410 bore, 2 3/4 or 3 in. chambers, boxlock, scaled frame, 26, 28 or 30 in. barrels, auto ejectors, SST, metallic bead sights, AAA+ oil finished round pistol grip walnut stock and forearm, round pistol grip, deep laser sculpted tri-dimensional engraving, coin finished receiver with gold inlays, 5.9-7.4 lbs. Imported 2014-2020.
Add $560 for 16, 28 ga., or .410 bore.
Last MSR was $4,999.
12, 20, 28 ga., or .410 bore, 2 3/4 or 3 in. chambers, boxlock, 28, 30, or 32 in. VR barrels, long forcing cones, choke tubes, auto ejectors, SST, competition bead sights, AAA+ oil finished adj. pistol grip or walnut stock and forearm, rubber recoil pad, oversized receiver, deep laser sculpted tri-dimensional engraving, coin finished receiver with gold inlays, 5.9-7.4 lbs. Imported 2014-2020.
Add $560 for 28 ga. or .410 bore.
Last MSR was $5,999.
12, 20, 28 ga., or .410 bore, 2 3/4 or 3 in. chambers, round body, 28, 30, or 32 in. VR barrel, SST, auto ejectors, competition bead sights, Grade AAA+ oil finished round adj. pistol grip stock and forearm, available in black, platinum or gold, 6.6-7.9 lbs.
Add $590 for 28 ga. or .410 bore.