Colt Pre-war/Post-war Mfg. SAAs Description
made from pre WWII parts remaining in inventory after production of the Single Action Army had ended in 1940, many of these post-war guns were given as gifts to dignitaries and retiring Colt employees, known calibers include .30 Carbine, .357 Mag., .38 Spl., .44 Spl., .44-40 WCF and .45 Colt. Most are found with 5 ½ in. barrels and blue and case hardened finish; nickel is rare. Shipping cartons vary from pre-war dark maroon and brown, hinged top, circa 1950, to black 2nd generation style. Approximately 338 were assembled and shipped between 1947-1961.
Most of these guns are found in 95% or better condition, and are valued like the last of the pre-war 1st generation Single Actions.